e-Learning & Cyber Safety

e-Learning Across Our School

Throughout our school we have a range of digital tools to support students in developing digital fluency, getting them creating, collaborating and sharing to enhance their learning.

Across the school we use Seesaw as a platform for sharing student learning. Each learning space has a Seesaw Class set up, where students have individual portfolio's of learning and Seesaw Blogs. Seesaw enables families and whanau to connect to their child's learning, provide feedback and feel part of their learning journey.

In Years 1 to 6 students are learning to use iPads with a range of Apps for creating: Book Creator, PicKids, Explain Everything, Seesaw and more. It is important to us that these devices are part our teaching and learning and integrated in to group learning, but at the same time we realise this needs to be balanced.

Currently our Senior students have access to ChromeBooks including a 1:1 ratio in Team Ako. iPads are also utilised in the senior team with students using a range of learning apps to create. Students in Team Ako access their learning from their Team Ako Site. They use Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and a range of other tools to create and collaborate.

Waltham School Cybersafety User Agreement Information without consent form

Waltham School Cyber Safety User Agreement Information

Digital citizenship should be practised at all times at home and at school. Our Waltham Agreement supports staff, students and their families to be safe online.

Click on the document to the left to find out more.